Friday, July 29, 2011

An Godly Heritage

We have been created by an Holy God,
And all we owe Him praise and laud.
Turning away will not remove Him,
For He created everything in this mortal rim.

We are not left to be alone,
We are created by order from His throne.
To deny where we come from,
Will only spell your doom.

God spoke and the world was set in motion,
And we owe Him our life and our devotion.
He speaks the mountains rise and the valley falls,
And when we cry out, He hears our calls.

We are not created out of chaos,
But because of our choice we alone are lost.
Return to the One who made you,
And know to Whom all the honor and glory is due.

-Wade Jinright

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What Can I Do?

Have we come to make ourselves known?
Have we come to be seen or to be shown?
My life is not my own, but Yours to lead,
And I know that You for my life, did bleed.

What can I do that turns their eyes to You?
Do everything and know that You are never through.
The power by which I live is not my own,
But what is ordered from Your Throne.

Live my life and never turn aside,
And when the world comes on strong,
I will not cower, I will not hide,
Because You are the right amongst the wrong.

Life has been given to me,
And through Christ, I have been set free.
For I once was lost in sin,
And through Christ, I have been born again.

-Wade Jinright

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Flesh You Must Die

Flesh you must die,
And I must forget the word "I".
Forget the things that please me,
And focus on the things that please Thee.

I have been made to please my Creator,
And I stand before man in life's theater.
I act in love for all I see,
Even though it is difficult for me.

I bid goodbye to my flesh,
And in Christ, my soul refresh.
For if I hold tight to my wants,
When the day is done, it haunts.

If you give what you have away,
You can know Christ today.
Christ spoke to the rich man,
And he said that he would have no part in His plan.

Your life will be more full,
When Christ has been given the rule.
Lay to rest this fleshly container,
He alone can be your Sustainer.

-Wade Jinright

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tablet of the Heart

You have written upon my heart,
The need for a Savior from the start.
Your Words echo within the halls,
And my heart rejoices when Your Words it recalls.

My heart once was hardened,
But You softened when You gardened.
For You created what beats within my chest,
And my need came at Your behest.

Write upon the tablet of my heart,
And through them Your wisdom impart.
Your blood covered all my sin,
And You want this for all men.

-Wade Jinright

Reflecting the Light

The light passes overhead,
Are we alive or are we dead?
Our light still burning bright,
And we offer a Greater Light.

The reflection you should see,
Should be all of Him and none of me.
The eternal flame burns strong,
And our God fills our hearts with a song.

As the moon in the night sky,
We live in Him and that is why,
We know that without Him we die,
So don't live just to get by.

Reflect the Light of God's love,
And remember that Christ came down from above.
For we are but a mirror reflecting,
While people in darkness are rejecting.

-Wade Jinright


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

He is there

Walking down what seems a lonely road,
He sees that we are carrying a heavy load.
He does not turn away and cower,
He knows His blood's saving power.

We do not have to imagine Him by our side,
He by His Word our paths does guide.
Even when do not have the strength,
He will go with us to any length.

He did not leave us all alone,
But Christ came from His throne.
For God saw the need,
And His only Son on the cross did bleed.

He is waiting there for you,
And if you call upon Him, 
He will make all things new,
And from Him all good does stem.

He was there before we were created,
And that we by Satan would be hated.
For the love of God knows no bounds,
But it being unconditional, astounds.

-Wade Jinright


Monday, July 11, 2011

Why Should I Worry?

Why should I worry?
When You know it all.
Why should I hurry?
When You made the call.

Why should I worry?
When You planned my way.
Why should I scurry?
When Your light is as day.

Why should I worry?
When things are tough.
Why should I flurry?
When what You did was enough.

-Wade Jinright

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I AM, Who I say that I am,
This is the truth and not a scam.
I AM, and always will be,
The One who has come to set you free.

I AM, waiting on your call,
Because I am the One who can see you through it all.
I AM, looking forward to your potential,
Because salvation for eternal life is essential.

I AM, the way, the truth, and the life,
And I will see you through this earthly strife.
I AM, the One that will lead the way,
And will take care of you day by day.

I AM, looking forward to My return,
Because I for my bride do yearn.
I AM, going to return at the time appointed,
And you will see the One Anointed.

I AM, your Savior and your King,
And to all believing, new life I bring.
I AM, broken and bruised,
When by the lost accused.

I AM, speaking, will you hear?
Or will you be surprised when I reappear?
I AM, God, will you be ready?
When all around are unsteady.

-Wade Jinright

Friday, July 8, 2011

When Will It Cease

I ask this question, because it is concerning what happens all the time. The subject is sin. We all do it, and sometimes we do it all too often. We even see it on the news. This is a world full of sinners. It will only cease when Christ returns. I want to offer a solution to sin, and that is salvation. It does not completely remove the sin, but Christ died for all our sins. There is forgiveness for sin; you need to decide to ask for forgiveness. There are many things that are wrong about the world that we live in, but we need to decide to change the world we live in. We are not changing the world by being more green, politically-minded, or whatever else you can think of that might change this world outside of Jesus Christ. Go out into the world and preach the Gospel.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Continued Blessings- Thousand Gifts

1. Family to help in the time of need
2. Encouragement 
3. Energy of children
4. Freedom
5. A wife and mother of my children
6. A daughter who is full of life
7. Marriage
8. For Those Who are fighting for our freedom
9. A son that helps out around the house
10. A house that I can call home for a little while longer

This has been an encouragement to me, because it allows me to share those blessings that I have been afforded by God.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

What We Celebrate Tomorrow

Tomorrow we celebrate our country's freedom. This celebration should not involve alcohol or anything else that would make us forget why we fight for our freedom. I am tired of hearing what we did yesterday and it involving drinking. It is a time that we remember those who have fought for our freedom and those who are still doing so. How can you do that when you are too drunk to think about anything? Those of us who are going into military service are going to have to practice zero tolerance when it comes to those habits, or we are going to find ourselves outside the base waiting for the bus to take us back home. We do not pride ourselves in drinking, but in being prepared at a moment's notice to serve our country. It does not speak well of those that are serving right now, when we disgrace them with our lack of judgment. I will do my best to set an example for those around me who have in the past have not used discretion. So please honor our troops by truly remembering them while they fight for you.