Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Remembering "Amazing Grace"

I remember going with my dad on his ministry to the nearby nursing home, and his favorite hymn was "Amazing Grace" written by John Newton. Grace is defined as a generosity of spirit: a capacity to tolerate, accommodate, or forgive people. The last part of this definition is the most important part, because Christ through His sacrifice was able to accomplish the forgiveness of sins.

The words I heard my father sing,
The words until this day in my ears ring,
"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,"*
New life in Him I have found.

"I once was lost, but now am found,"*
Now with Him, I can go to higher ground.
Grace be the guidance to lead me home,
And from You may I never more roam.

Thousand years have past, and still with Your grace I am amazed,
Thousand years have gone, and still You are worthy to be praised.
The praise still continues on my lips and will never cease,
And with Your Amazing Grace, I see a daily increase.

(* excerpts from "Amazing Grace" by John Newton)

-Wade Jinright

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