It is what we do and what we have done before our children that directs them how to live. It is a godly example that leads our family in the right direction. If we are not leading according to the Word of God; then we are leading our families down a road of destruction and disarray. I have seen the importance of a godly example and how we all need to make a commitment to our family and their well-being.
Make a legacy worth following. I want to follow in the footsteps of my Heavenly Father, and set an example worthy of Him. My children are gifts and they mean so much to me, and if I don't set a godly example in front of them then I am failing them and only hurting them. I want to bring them up "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."
A father is given a place to lead,
He is given a purpose and a need.
A purpose to live and to love,
And a need to ask for strength from above.
We cannot take this role lightly,
For we must grasp His Word tightly.
For His Word holds the key to eternal life,
So pass it on to your children and your wife.
I am a son of my Heavenly Father,
I will bring them in His love together.
My sons and daughter listen well,
And hear of Him and you, He will not fail.
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