Thursday, July 19, 2012

Where He Walked

He came to walk among men of earth,
He came through the virgin birth.
He walked with His earthly mom and dad,
He stayed behind and they were sad.

He was about His Father's business,
And nothing could change this.
He walked among men and called them out,
And grew within them a faith without a doubt.

He walked and fed the thousands,
And they were filled with no need for seconds.
His filling was far greater than the food,
And He knew that this was for their good.

He walked upon the ocean and the waves,
And Peter thought he could make it, but Jesus saves. 
He walked and dined among sinners and thieves,
And He, in His heart for their souls grieves.

He walked and did turn the water into wine,
This was only one of His miracles divine.
He walked and talked with the woman at the well,
And did her sin and wickedness dispel. 

He walked to the garden to pray,
And He hoped that His disciples would awake stay.
He walked and fell to His knees in grief so great,
He asked if God could change His fate.

He walked to the upper room and did with the disciples eat,
After they had drank the cup and break the bread, He did wash their feet.
He knew that among them there was one that would Him betray,
And that it would take place in the garden later that day.

He knew that He must walk this road alone,
Even when Peter said of Him, he had not known.
He would walk before the Romans, and they would take no blame,
For Pilate would wash his hands of this Man, of which there was no sin and shame.

He was chosen both among the Jews and Gentiles to be crucified,
And He would soon walk that hill and there with Him two men died.
He was welcomed Great King of the Jews, 
But soon out of their mouths, Crucify Him, they would spew.

He walked up that hill, battered and bruised,
But He knew that He could by God in this way be used.
He would hang there and take our sin,
So that they would not be remembered against us again.

He would walk amongst them again,
After three days, He would again be risen.
He walked with men on the road to Emmaus,
Once they saw the bread that He broke, in their hearts were amazed by this.

He came to see the one that doubted that He had risen,
And he was able touch the nail scars and the wounds in His side that He had been given.
He walked amongst the disciples one last time,
And reassured them of their salvation sublime.

His presence walks among His people,
And it cannot be confined to a church with a steeple.
He will not let you walk alone,
But He will guide you by His light shown.

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