Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What Is This World Coming To?

It is not a question of "What is this world coming to?", but the fact that it is the world has been in sin since the beginning of Creation. We have had so many horrible things happen in the past few decades that I can attest to, and even things before I was born. Some people only make things worse when they dishonor those that have either been through a tragedy or that have fought for our freedom. Sin is the root cause of all this, and there is nothing else that we can call it. People need to open their eyes to see what is going on, and not looking the other way.
Jesus came to the world to seek and to save. He is sad that we have chosen to go our own way and even for those that have chosen to cause these grievous tragedies. Jesus knows all the things that we have gone through, so there is nothing that is new to Him. We are not alone in this world, because Jesus loves us and He wants us to know His love and new life.

The world is lost in hate and war,
And wondering what they are here for.
Sin has blinded them to their need,
Forgetting the need because of their greed.

People are dying and lying in despair,
Who is there for me and who does care?
People crying because of the shame,
When themselves are all to blame.

What am I doing for the lost and hurt?
Am I walking the other way and their lives desert?
I should gather them and let them know,
That my Savior, is the way of life to go.

Bullets blazing past and many falling down in the fire,
I know that I have salvation and my utterance does require.
Reach out to the world wide,
And let not your Light hide.

Please remember those that have fallen in Aurora, Colorado, as well as those that have fallen in the ongoing fight for freedom at home and abroad. Please pray that people will come to know Christ amongst all these horrible things.

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